Price trend
According to the Commodity Analysis System of SunSirs, the price of flake caustic soda temporarily stabilized this week, with an average market price of 3,137.5 RMB/ton from the beginning of the week to the weekend. After the price fell, then, it rose, and this week's price remained unchanged, with a year-on-year decrease of 35.53%. This week, the market maintained a consolidation.
Upstream caustic soda
According to the Commodity Analysis System of SunSirs, the overall price of caustic soda was weak this week. At the beginning of the week, the average market price in Shandong was 834 RMB/ton, while on the weekend, the average market price in Shandong was 802 RMB/ton, a decrease of 3.84%, and a decrease of 35.94% compared to the same period last year. This week, the overall price of caustic soda declined, and the supply of caustic soda enterprises was relatively sufficient. The short-term demand for downstream alumina was average, with more purchases made on demand. Under the game of supply and demand, the price of caustic soda maintained a weak operating trend.
Market outlook
Analysts from SunSirs believe that this week, the caustic soda market was consolidated, and the trading atmosphere was general. Downstream purchased on demand, with average enthusiasm for procurement. However, with the impact of equipment shutdown and maintenance in the northwest region, there is a possibility of an upward trend in the quotation. Overall, the price of caustic soda may rise in the short term, depending on downstream market demand.